I don't know if you know this but,  

                 I'm kind of a big deal...

Hey there, I'm Lauren.

Located in Central California with her handsome bearded fiance Evan, sweet little babe, April, and bestest pupper, Leia. Available for travel both inside and out of California.

Lover of Anchorman quotes, street tacos, medium format film, green tea, puns, backroad cruising, being able to recall the title and artist of an obscure rock song before anyone else, 1970's Harley Davidson Cafe Cruisers, Jane Austen, rescue pups, Halloween, The Golden Girls, vinyl and antique cameras, not killing my pothos plants,thrifting, macrame, Hitchcock, nature walks, Disney, and wicker EVERYTHING. 

Can always be found in birkenstocks, usually rocking out too heavily to The Offspring in her Forester. 

I am pretty much under the impression that it has always been my destiny to be a photographer.  


I received my first camera at the age of 2, good ole Fisher Price, and have been sticking my camera in people's faces ever since. Sure, I did upgrade cameras a few times since then; receiving an epic Spice Girls Edition Polaroid at the age of 7, being gifted my grandmother's Canon AE-1 at 12, saving up and purchasing my first Canon Rebel XTi at 15, getting my big girl Canons and Beautiflex TLR (she's a beaut INDEED) in my twenties to get me through my Photography BFA at the Academy of Art University, to then collecting a menagerie of vintage film cameras that I have carried around with me and proudly display to this day. 

With all these cameras, the batteries, vanished lens caps, handfuls of memory cards, and countless rolls of film that went with them, I experienced life. I learned about connection - how you as a photographer both capture it and create it; I learned that true moments are unrepeatable, that to photograph a connection is to give it power and significance. I learned that to photograph love, you are curating a gift.  

I photograph weddings because being able to give that gift to couple after couple is the most rewarding way I can make art. To make that unique connection with a couple, no matter who they are, is such a challenge but in THE best way possible. I never want to be a fad. I never want to relax and create something that looks like it could belong to everyone else when it should be tailored to you. I want to be your choice, I want to be your friend. 

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